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Librairie & Ressources

Lipsey, M and Noonan, E, 2009. Better evidence for a better world. 3ie Working Paper 2. New Delhi: 3ie.

Available at: https://www.3ieimpact.org/evidence-ub/publications/working-papers/better-evidence-better-world   

Rao, K, 2021. Evidence impact: Seven ways that development decision makers use evidence. 11 March 2021. 3ie: Blog.

Available at: https://www.3ieimpact.org/blogs/evidence-impact-seven-ways-development-decision-makers-use-evidence 

Rao, K and Thissen, P, 2021. Evidence impact: the ways evaluation findings shape real world outcomes. 28 January 2021. 3ie: Blog.

Available at: https://www.3ieimpact.org/blogs/evidence-impact-ways-evaluation-findings-shape-real-world-outcomes  

Shastry, GK, Berry, J, Mukherjee, P, Mehta, S and Ruebeck, H, 2018. Improving midday meal delivery and encouraging micronutrient fortification among children in India. 3ie Impact Evaluation Report 77. New Delhi: 3ie.

Available at: doi: https://doi.org/10.23846/OW3.IE77  

ACED 2021. The use of evidence for better decision-making by local governments:  An analysis of the status of evidence production and its use in policymaking for food and nutrition security in Benin. Research report, Abomey-Calavi;

Available at https://www.aced-benin.org/wpcontent/uploads/2021/02/EIP_Report2020_English_version_web.pdf